People working on laptops

Take control of your IT support

Reliable, professional, and impactful IT solutions designed to support your business at every level from a team of Certified Microsoft Partners and Engineers

Some of our trusted partners

Proactive Support

As London's premier managed IT support service team, we pride ourselves on delivering state-of-the-art systems designed to generate high-level monitoring reports that help us address issues before they happen. Whether facing an imminent hard drive failure in a server, an antivirus/security update on a PC, or a notification alert that appears when you least expect it, our team is dedicated to stopping problems before they arise. At New Era IT London, we pride ourselves on going above and beyond for each of our clients.

Engineer working on a server with wires and cables everywhere

24/7 Support

Computers break down. Software needs installing. Server's crash. Dealing with technological challenges and complications is just a part of doing business in the modern era. At New Era IT, we pride ourselves on being an IT management service provider, that connects our clients to high-quality, efficiency-boosting, time-saving IT solutions that deliver results. Offering managed IT support for London and beyond, we are dedicated to delivering expert advice, strategic solutions, and solid systems designed to keep your business running smoothly, safely, and securely.

Engineer working on a server with wires and cables everywhere
People working on laptops

A Managed IT Solution

Why us?

Computers break down. Software needs installing. Server's crash. Dealing with technological challenges and complications is just a part of doing business in the modern era. At New Era IT, we pride ourselves on being an IT management service provider, that connects our clients to high-quality, efficiency-boosting, time-saving IT solutions that deliver results.

Honest People you can trust. Service you can count on.

Reliable Delivering reliable service and high-impact solutions.

Innovative Cutting-edge technology meets outside-the-box thinking.

Proactive We pride ourselves on delivering state-of-the-art systems designed to generate high-level monitoring reports that help us address issues before they happen.